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2015 | Midwest Compliance Symposium September 22 & 23, 2015

The Fine Print: TCPA and Arbitration Clauses

In today’s hyper litigious consumer environment it is imperative that creditors have the proper language included in their contracts and agreements to not only protect themselves, but their representatives as well. Far too often it is found that contract clauses are vague, inconspicuous, or missing all together leading to unnecessary legal exposure. As the originator of the debt, creditors have the ability to mitigate legal exposure by ensuring the proper disclosures are included in the original contracts and agreements. It is important that these disclosures are clear, concise, and conspicuous. This session will discuss which disclosures should be included in original contracts with a special emphasis on TCPA and Arbitration clauses.

Marriott St. Louis Airport
10700 Pear Tree Lane
Saint Louis, MO 63134

Presented by 
Ernest H. “Skip” Kohlmyer, III, LL.M
Urban Thier & Federer, P.A.
September 22nd 2015
10:30am to 12:00pm UCT
